Tuesday 25 April 2017

Workout Mistakes Beginners Make In The Gym

Joe pacifico: Trying to pack on some serious muscle mass at the gym? Stop! You're probably doing it all wrong. There are 3 common workout mistakes that you need to know before you go any further. Once you know these bodybuilding hacks, you'll have a competitive advantage over other newbies in the gym. Read on to find out what they are.

You're not lifting weights properly



Sorry to break to you but you're probably lifting weights wrong if you're a beginner. Don't panic, you're not the only one. After all, even the world's best bodybuilders had to start somewhere.

You're rushing things in the gym

Rome wasn't built in a day. If you want to get seriously jacked, patience is key. Devising a proper workout plan is a good place to start but if you're rushing things in the gym and not focusing on proper form, you could be losing out on newbie gains (the amount of muscle you build when you first start working out).

Even worse, you could be putting your body at risk if you're training with weights that are just too heavy for you.

Your diet is awful


Think you only build muscle in the gym? Think again. What you eat - and how often - plays a major part in lean muscle mass development so make sure your diet is on point if you want to become a beast.
Struggling to incorporate healthy foods choices into your diet? Don't worry - it's a lot easier than you think. You can make a few simple changes in the kitchen that will build some serious muscle in no time.You can make a few simple changes in the kitchen that will build some serious muscle in no time.

Here are some beginner's diet hacks:

Protein is the building block of muscle and you're probably not getting enough of the stuff. Start by consuming a gram of protein for each pound of your bodyweight (for example, if you weigh 170 lbs, aim for 170 grams of protein a day). While this might sound a lot to a newbie, it's easier to achieve than you might think.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9301584


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